Areas of Activity
- Experimental and numerical characterisation of the static and dynamic behaviour of buildings and of energy and transportation infrastructures
- Structural health monitoring and control supporting infrastructures management systems
- Development and integration of sensors and innovative technologies for the extraction of relevant information from permanent monitoring systems
Relevant Consultancy Services
- Dynamic tests of Vasco da Gama Bridge at the commissioning stage, 1998 (Lusoponte)
- Dynamic tests of Millau Viaduct at the commissioning stage, 2004 (CSTB Nantes)
- Aerodynamic studies of Catumbela and Barra do Quanza Bridges, 2004, 2007 (Armando Rito Engenharia)
- Measurement of cable forces of 2012 London Olympic Stadium cable roof, 2010 (Bureau Happold and Team Stadium)
- Permanent dynamic monitoring of railway and roadway Foz-Tua Bridges, 2011-2017 (EDP Produção)
- Characterisation of the dynamic behaviour of Baixo Sabor and Foz-Tua Dams based on continuous dynamic monitoring, 2016-2019 (EDP Produção)
- Dynamic tests of Cardinals Stadium retractable pitch, Arizona, USA, 2016 (Tottenham Hotspur)
- Systems for excitation of civil structures and measurement of the response
- Systems for indirect measurement of loads (wind, railway and roadway traffic)
- Algorithms/software for data analysis, automated modal identification and continuous monitoring
- Continuous dynamic monitoring systems for large Civil infrastructures
Principal Investigator
Prof. Elsa Caetano (ecaetano@fe.up.pt)