Areas of Activity
- Design and performance of advanced construction and repair materials, including Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) and Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC)
- Valorisation of industrial by-products and recycled aggregates in concrete
- Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)
- Advanced numerical modeling of reinforced concrete (RC) structures
- Structural safety and service life assessment of RC structures
- Simulation of RC structures since the onset of cement hydration, including the prediction of cracking due to restraints to the free deformations of concrete
- Permanent monitoring of the Luiz I Bridge (Metro do Porto, S.A.)
- Optical based monitoring of the new Alto Ceira Arch Dam (EDP)
- Load test of the Corgo Viaduct (CAET XXI Construções ACE)
- Permanent monitoring of the Pinhão Steel Bridge (IP Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.)
- Monitoring of the Aguieira Bridges during rehabilitation (IP Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.)
- Assessment of the conservation status of the Levada Tunnel (LGC Linha de Gondomar Construtores, ACE)
- Laboratory characterisation of several structural components (composite slabs, GRC panels, corbels, prefabricated elements)
- Servo-controlled hydraulic actuators, universal load testing machines, weathering and aging chambers, equipment for characterizing concrete constituents, rheometer, mortar and concrete mixers, devices for characterizing various concrete durability indicators, creep and shrinkage racks
- Non-destructive testing for in-situ characterisation of UHPFRC
- Optical and electrical acquisition systems for structural monitoring, transducers of various types
- Nonlinear structural analysis programs, algorithms for analysis of structural monitoring data
Principal Investigator
Prof. Rui Faria (rfaria@fe.up.pt)