
FEUP Career Fair takes place on the 8th, 9th and 10th October 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering – University of Porto ((FEUP) located in the Asprela Campus.

The activities take place daily between 9h30 and 18h00 and the booths are opened during lunch time. There should be two representatives for each company, since they are supposed to have lunch in turns.

The activities take place daily between 9h30 and 18h00 and the booths are opened during lunch time. There should be two representatives for each company, since they are supposed to have lunch in turns.

Registration gives access to participation in all FCF2024 activities, namely:

• Exhibition Area (booths);

• One2One (virtual recruiting interviews);

• FEUP Escape Challenge (networking activity – for portuguese companies only).

4.1. Registration Form

Companies must make their online registration in the menu COMPANIES – Company Registration, indicating the activities in which they intend to participate.

After submission, companies receive an automatic message, which means that the registration was successful submitted. Within 72 hours, an email is sent to confirm the registration. If, after this period, the company has not received the email, it should contact the CO through the email address or the telephone number 22 041 3532. Companies must ensure that they receive the confirmation message, otherwise registration will not be considered valid.

4.2.Deadline and Limit

The deadline for registration is the 26th of July 2024.

Registrations are limited to the number of stand spaces and the CO reserves the right to close the registrations before the deadline.

In order to ensure equivalent representation of all areas of engineering, the CO also reserves the right to refuse applications from companies whose interest in only one area of engineering exceeds 25% of the existing places. The order in which registrations arrive is the determining criterion for the occupation of places.

5.1. Exhibition Area (booths)

Companies can register for one day only, except for Sponsors, which implies a fee (check “6. Participation Cost”) and entitles the Company to:

• 6m² (3×2) booth with carpet, one table, 2 chairs, wireless internet access and electrical installation – registration for Premium Sponsor or Exhibitor;

• 15m2 (5m x 3m) with carpet, one table, 2 chairs, wireless internet access and electrical installation – registration for Main Sponsor;

• Free parking for one car (at FEUP’s parking);

• Lunch for 2 company’s representatives;

• Participation on One2One Interviews;

• Participation on FEUP Escape Challenge;

• Access to a virtual platform to share information about the company, institutional video and access to the CV of the participants who visit the company’s booth.

• Company logo on the virtual platform.

NOTE: If you intend to bring your own booth, you must comply with the areas indicated in 5.1.

Participation Conditions

• Companies choose the day they whish to participate with registration limited to a maximum of 41 companies each day;

• Companies will choose their booth according to space availability;

• Sponsors can participate in the 3 days;

• Booth 41 is reserved for the Main Sponsor;

• Booths 8, 13, 18, 22 and 27 are reserved for the Premium Sponsors;

• When registering, you agree to attend a training session on the use the platform to be held on the 25th September, 5 p.m.

• The Exhibition Area opens from 09h30 until 18h00;

• Companies are responsible for selecting the information and customisation of all the elements of their virtual space.

• The set up and removal of booths has mandatory times (check “8. Booths’ setup and removal” below);

• The booth location is identified with the exhibitor’s name.

• The OC has its own booth – Infodesk of the FEUP Career Fair;

• The check-in for Exhibitors is from 8.30 a.m. until 9.30 a.m. in the InfoDesk of FEUP Career Fair;

• Exhibitors will have free coffee and water in Infodesk of the FEUP Career Fair;

• There is Support Staff that can help exhibitors with the setup of booths and equipment, can carry material to the security room and give information about the fair. This Staff is always in contact with the OC;

• Exhibitors can keep material and equipment in a specific room for that purpose; the Support Staff can help them with this task.

5.2. One2One Interviews

Participation in this activity is linked to the presence in the booth and companies should indicate in the registration form their interest in participating.

Participation Conditions

• The One2One Interviews take place on the day the company participates in the Fair and there is no limit to the number of candidates interviewed;

• The OC publishes the companies’ offers in the FEUP online job database under the title: FEUP Career Fair – INTERVIEWS (+ name of the Company). Candidates apply via e- mail or link for recruitment that companies have indicated on the registration form, sending CV, with the subject : Application_FEUP Career Fair 2024;

• Companies have to check email or link for recruitment in order to start the selection process;

• Students submit their application until 25th September;

• The selection of candidates is the responsibility of the companies. Interviews are scheduled by the companies directly contacting the candidates;

• To conduct the interviews, the companies must use a virtual platform of their choice, informing candidates in advance of the platform that will be used and providing them with the necessary access data.

5.2.3 FEUP Escape Challenge

The participation in this activity is linked to the presence in the booth and the companies should indicate in the registration form their interest in participating.

Participation Conditions

• The activity is limited to the first 20 companies that indicate their interest in participating when registering for the FEUP Career Fair 2024.

• All indications and participation procedures will be communicated to the participating companies.

• The participation in this activity should not compromise the presence in the booth until the end of the event.

Companies can participate in the fair as Main Sponsor, Premium Sponsor or Exhibitor.

6.1. Main Sponsor – Conditions

• Only one company can be the Main Sponsor;

• Larger booth (15m2 – 5m x 3m) in the Exhibition Area on the two days of the fair;

• Participation in the two days of the Fair;

• Possibility to announce the presence in the Fair as Main Sponsor through a video to be released in FEUP’s social networks;

• Possibility of running an Opening & Presentation Session of 45 minutes;

• Company’s logo featured as Main Sponsor:

o On the fair’s website;

o on the virtual platform, with emphasis on access to the platform;

o on all FCF2023 dissemination and promotion material in the Faculty.

6.2. Premium Sponsor – Conditions

• Only 5 companies can be Premium Sponsor;

• Participation in the two days of the Fair;

• Booth 6m2 (3m x 2m);

• Company’s logo featured as a Premium Sponsor:

o On the fair’s website;

o on the virtual platform, with emphasis on access to the platform;

o on all FCF2023 dissemination and promotion material in the Faculty.

6.3. Exhibitor – Conditions

• Participation in one of the days of the Fair;

• Booth 6m2 (3m x 2m);

• Company page on the virtual platform;

• Participation in all the activities of the fair, if there are schedules available.

Companies can participate in the fair in one of the days, except or Sponsors. Participation requires the payment of a registration fee:

Main Sponsor – 3650€*

Premium Sponsor – 1850€*

Empresa Participante – 675€*

*VAT will be added to this value, when applicable

7.1. Payment Conditions

After the registration is confirmed FEUP sends an invoice according to the type of participation.

The payment should be done by bank transfer according to the following:

• IBAN: PT50 0035 0196 0000 6125 73041 / IBAN: PT50 0035 0196 0000 6125 73041 – Caixa Geral de Depósitos

• VAT: 501 413 197

If the payment is not done on the invoice’s due date (30 days), the registration may be cancelled.

7.2. Cancellation

The cancellation implies the loss of 50% of the registration fee.

É da inteira responsabilidade das empresas participantes a montagem e desmontagem dos stands Companies are responsible for the setup and removal of the booth’s structure and all the material used during the Fair. There are defined schedules for set up and booth removal, namely:

Participation on the 1st day

Setup: 7th October from 3 p.m. until 6 p.m. or 8th October from 8.30 a.m. until 9.30 a.m.

Removal: 8th October from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m.;

Participation on the 2nd day

Setup: 8th October from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m or 9th October from 8.30 a.m. until 9.30 a.m.

Removal: 9th October from 6 p.m. until 7.30 p.m.

Participation on the 3rd day

Setup: 9th October from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m or 10th October from 8.30 a.m. until 9.30 a.m.

Removal: 10th October from 6 p.m. until 7.30 p.m.

Due to logistic reasons the OC may have to change the booths’ location, day or the schedule of the activities. Companies will be immediately informed in case this is necessary.

The OC is responsible for promoting this event in the Media, on FEUP’s Homepage and Job Database, in FEUP Facebook and LinkedIN, among the staff and the students.

The students’ associations which collaborate with the OC will also do their own promotion using their means.

Companies which participate in FEUP Career Fair are also advertised on the virtual platform.

900 participants are expected to attend FEUP Career Fair.

The treatment of the data collected for registration purposes will be used for the logistics of the event or for the advertisement of future events related to recruitment. Also the images collected during the Fair will be used by the OC for promotional purposes.

There is a room available, so that companies can keep their laptops, merchandising material, documents and so on. The OC does not take responsibility or liability for damage to, or loss of, any companies’ property left in the exhibition area prior, during or after the fair. The OC cannot be held responsible for any of the companies’ material damage or disappearance.

The cleaning of the exhibition area will be provided by the OC and will be carried out daily before the opening of the booths.

The OC reserves the right to alter some of the information hereby provided. Every effort will be made to notify the companies about any schedule changes or cancellations.