IACEE2018 – Shaping the Future of CEE
16th World Conference of Continuing Engineering Education. Link: http://iacee2018.org/
16th World Conference of Continuing Engineering Education. Link: http://iacee2018.org/
Here is a video that tries to explain the accident. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioC61QW7SHQ
Produced by ICE the video underlines Civil Engineering. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rib0qYAxsPY
World Summit for Digital Built Environment and others. Link: http://www.ril.fi/en/events/
Workplace climate and developing students’ professional skills in the classroom. Link: https://www.asee.org/conferences-and-events/webinar-series
Knowledge, Technology and Society Link: http://www.isc.agh.edu.pl/
Jouranl article about protocol for a systematic review The Impact of BIM-based virtual and augmented reality interfaces on health and […]
3RD SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE – ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING (ECCE) Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Opole, Poland, April […]
One may read and download the documents of Springer journals in Civil Engineering at Link: http://www.springer.com/
Using contemporary e-solutions when developing and operating the buildings, managing construction information and implementing the uniform life-cycle based classification system. […]