====== Welcome! ====== I'm João Machado, an electrical engineering student who's currently finishing his integrated masters' at the //Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto//. This website's been developed in order to document the ongoing development of my dissertation, which is entitled //Smartphone Based Closed-Loop Auditory Cueing System//. This website is divided into the following sections: * [[start|Home]]: The initial page of this website. * [[project|Project]]: A description of the dissertation, the motivation behind it and its objectives. * [[planning|Planning]]: The proposed work plan to be undertaken in this project. * [[development|Development]]: An overview of the ongoing development of this project, including biweekly reports and minutes of the meetings with the supervisors. * [[deliverables|Deliverables]]: Documentation and other kinds of artefacts developed during this project. * [[conclusions|Conclusions]]: Conclusions regarding the development of this project and also possible future work. * [[resources|Bibliography]]: The bibliography used in this project. * [[contacts|Contacts]]: How to contact me and my supervisors.